

Quick Mode

You can use CLI program very easily in Quick Mode.
For packing some files
pack ./test/
And for unpacking
pack ./test.pack

Normal Mode

Pack has many other abilities that you can try using Normal Mode.
Use pack as
pack [Options]
Options are :
--input, -i set the input path from the system; it can be a file or a folder. If extension is .pack, it will be unpacked; otherwise, it will be packed.
--output, -o Set the output path from the system; it can be a file or a folder. If not set, a file name is chosen based on the input name. If the chosen name exists, an incremental number will be added to the name.
--pack Enforces packing even for a .pack file.
--list, -l List all items in a pack file.
--include Specifying a file or folder in a Pack file to unpack or list. It can be set to a path or an ID. It is allowed to be used more than once. It will use an optimized algorithm to process each item just once.
--overwrite, -w Overwrite the output if it exists.
--press=[hard] Ask for a harder press, using more time to save more storage. It is useful for cases where you pack once and unpack several times.
--log=[no, debug] Logging more information on the active task, including time. Or turn logging off.
--help Prints a quick help and list of parameters.